
Living on campus? 这是怎么啦. Cartoon of South Village at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Division of Student Life 住房 and Residence Life.


欢迎! Thanks for your interest in living on campus at California State University, 洛杉矶.

足彩外围网站的住房和居住生活办公室为21岁以下的学生提供宿舍,为21岁及以上的学生提供公寓式住宿, as well as graduate students.

Steps to 应用 for 2024年春季

登录 房地产门户网站 使用您的“MyCalStateLA”用户名和密码,并选择住房申请春季2024. 系统将带您逐步完成应用程序和协议的每个部分. You will have the opportunity to indicate your preference for room type, 膳食计划, payment plan and other important reminders.

After you’ve completed the signature page in the 房地产门户网站, you will be redirected to the University’s 办理 系统. There you’ll make a $40 payment (non-refundable fee). Follow these steps:

  1. 办理,指出付款选项(信用卡、借记卡或电子支票),然后单击“Continue Checkout”.”
  2. Then enter your payment information and click on “Continue Checkout.”
  3. Review and confirm that your payment information is correct and submit your payment.
  4. A payment receipt will appear that reflects the transaction.
  5. Click the option that allows you to return to the application.
  6. Click “Complete Application” at the bottom of the "Almost There!”页面. 请务必执行此步骤,以确保您的确认信息已发送到我们的办公室.

This step must only be completed by applicants who are under the age of 18. 同意书必须由同意2024年春季许可协议条款和条件的父母或法定监护人签署,以便在紧急情况下提供医疗授权. The form must be completed, signed and returned to the Office of 住房 and Residence Life by the time you move in.

A Completed Application Includes:

  • Completion of the online housing application and spring 24 License Agreement
  • Payment of the $40 application fee

You must complete the following prior to moving in:

  • 18岁以下的居民:向房屋办事处提交一份填妥的同意书

Additional Information

请注意, if you are a newly admitted undergraduate student for spring 2024, 在申请住宿之前,你必须支付100美元的入学确认押金(ECD). 只有支付了100美元ECD以确认足彩外围网站入学的学生才能获得在线住房申请和许可协议. 一旦您支付了ECD,您将需要2-3天的时间才能通过网上申请 房地产门户网站. You will not receive an email alert about this, so we encourage you to try logging on to the 住房 portal daily.


  • “MyCalStateLA” username and password
  • Emergency 联系 Information (First and last name, address, phone number, etc.)
  • Missing Persons 联系 Information (First and last name, address, phone number, etc.)
  • 借记, 信贷, 或核对帐户信息-以便正式完成您的在线申请, 在提交许可协议后,您需要在申请结束时提交付款.



Applicants are considered for housing placement on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once you apply and pay the $40 fee, you'll be assigned a space. You'll be assigned to a bed space based on availability. 学生 will receive an email to their 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email account, confirming their room reservation.

住房和居住生活办公室致力于在我们的住房设施中提供平等的机会,并将根据《足彩外围网站》(ADA)和《足彩外围网站》(FHA)的政策和指导方针提供合理的便利, on a case-by-case basis. 如果你是一个“合格的个人”,有残疾证明,需要《足彩外围网站》的住房安排, 请与残疾学生办公室(OSD)联系,了解有关注册过程的更多信息. You can find out more on OSD网站 or by contacting them at 323-343-3140 or [email protected].

Once you have received a housing assignment confirmation, you will be able to view your spring housing charges and make a payment on GET. Payment must be submitted by February 9, 2024. 在付款截止日期之后分配的学生将有48小时的时间来支付春季付款. The due date and amount due will be posted on students' GET accounts.

未能在截止日期前提交付款将导致您的房屋转让和许可协议被取消. 为 利率 & 支付, visit our website.

希望取消2024年春季住房许可协议的申请人可以在12月18日的取消截止日期之前,在许可协议开始之前填写取消表格,要求取消, 2023. 登录 房地产门户网站,然后单击“住房表格”选项卡访问“许可协议取消请求表格”.

After December 18, 已预订房间的学生如果希望取消预订,则需要填写“取消申请表格”并上传证明文件. 所有取消申请均为请求,且必须符合许可协议中“入住前取消且不提前30天通知”一节[第III条]中规定的条件.C.2 (住房) and/or Section III.E.2(膳食计划)]. 住房和居住生活办公室保留批准或拒绝取消请求的权利.

所有取消申请必须包括取消申请理由的证明文件. 未能提供证明文件将导致申请审查程序的延迟. After the request form and supporting documentation have been submitted, it will take one to two weeks to review the petition. If approved for a housing cancellation, 学生的住宿费将根据许可协议取消政策被取消或调整.

Move-in is January 19, 2024. The move-in period is between 9 a.m. 和4p.m.

New incoming residents have been given an appointment time and a barcode to check-in. Please check your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email for the appointment time and barcode. 

If you would like to change your appointment time, you may log into the 房地产门户网站 重新安排.

以下地址将带您到Castilla Paseo Rancho登记线开始的住房区:5300 Paseo Rancho Castilla, 洛杉矶, CA 90032. 报到将在大学公寓第二期篮球场进行,请留意标志. Please have your barcode ready.

There will be no check-ins from 12-1 p.m. 请确保遵守分配给您的时间(在您的住房门户网站和电子邮件中),以帮助减少拥挤并限制区域内的人数.


Check-in Instructions – see map below

2024年春季 Move-in Map. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Division of Student Life 住房 and Residence Life.


第二期的篮球场(地图上的绿星)将开始迁入。. Please park along Paseo Rancho Castilla before checking in (see map above). 您需要在这封邮件中准备好您的一卡通、条形码和入住时间. If you haven’t picked up your One Card, please visit the One Card Office website 以获取有关如何在入住之前获得学生证的信息. Arrive early and visit the Golden Eagle One Card Office if necessary. Your One Card is also your meal plan card. 

Once you check in, you’ll be handed a 20-minute Loading Zone permit. 请不要将您的车辆停放在住房环路上超过这个时间,以避免积压.

将有装载区供您使用,整个住房循环和进入南村卸载您的物品. There will also be carts available to check out in the Phase II 住房 Office, the Multi=Purpose Room (MPR) and at the check-in station. After unloading your items, please park your vehicle in Lot 5.



沿着Paseo Rancho Castilla的住宅环路将会有空间,用于公寓拼车. Please walk to the Check-in station in the basketball court to receive your keys.